So, maybe you’ve noticed that I haven’t posted here for a couple of weeks. Or, maybe you haven’t noticed. The truth is, not too many people have been following this little blog. And that’s okay, really! I like to write and I enjoy posting, so it doesn’t really matter if anyone is reading.
But I did have to ask myself why I’m not getting any comments or feedback, and truth be told, I was actually kind of tired of talking about simple living. Burnout after only six weeks? Something’s wrong.
So I have spent the last couple of weeks thinking, and praying, and making some decisions.
Never did it enter my mind to stop doing this, no way! But it became obvious to me that I was trying to force something that wasn’t really working for me or for my intended audience.
I do love the concept of living more simply, don’t get me wrong. But when I look at my life and the things that really drive me, simple living just isn’t one of them.
Oh, I love my planner, and I’m sure you’ll hear me talk about it every now and then. And I think it’s really important to clean out your junk drawer.
What I’m REALLY passionate about, though, is Jesus. And family. And adoption. And music. And a few other random things.
Honestly, I was kind of failing at the whole simple living thing myself anyway. I actually had a pretty chaotic week, and I lost my keys more than once, and my bed stayed unmade, and I went to bed several times without re-setting my kitchen. How can I, in good conscience, teach about simple living if I can’t live it?
But Jesus, I can talk about. He never fails. He’s got this whole living thing under control.
My family, I can write about. I think I might have some wisdom to share about raising kids, and adoption, and loving on people who have experienced loss and trauma.
I like my brand and my logo and my title, so those I’ll keep. The content of this little blog, though, is changing to reflect who I am and what God has given me to share with you.
I was at a ladies’ conference this week, and the speaker talked a lot about being an influencer. Her contention was that if we have influence, we should use it to point people to Jesus. That really resonated with me. If I have a platform, I need to use it to talk about things that really matter.
I’m calling this a hard re-start, but I’m keeping the content I’ve already written; it represents a lot of hours of work, and I’m not willing to just throw it away. If you’re interested in meal planning, or using a planner, feel free to go back and read those. They’ll still be available.
In the meantime, I’m going to wax poetic about the things I really love. I hope I can encourage you, and I hope you’ll enjoy our little chats each week.
Please, leave me a comment and let me know that you’re here. I’ll keep plugging away, and let’s see if what I have to say connects with you.
Thanks for letting me be myself and change things up to better reflect what I think this is supposed to look like. I’ll see you next week.
Blessings, Mindy
I love it Mindy! Thanks for your honesty. I look forward to your future posts
The re-start sounds great Mindy!